9A2AT SK Nakon kratke i teške bolesti, u 77. godini života, napustio nas je Branko Vidović 9A2AT. Član Radio kluba “Nikola Tesla”… Continue reading “9A2AT SK”…
Prijavljen novi 9A rekord u WW CW Iako tek treba proći UBN proceduru, veseli činjenica da je iz 9A5Y barem prema prijavi prebačen dosadašnji hrvatski rekord. Continue reading “Prijavljen novi 9A rekord u WW CW”…
Bermuda worked on 160m During last contest 9A5Y finally worked VP9 on 160m. Continue reading “Bermuda worked on 160m”…
Temotu worked on 160m This DXCC H40 as separate province of Solomon Islands is in our LOG on 160m. Continue reading “Temotu worked on 160m”…
LZ DX contest Online claimed scores show that DX deficiency in score EU stations is big. Continue reading “LZ DX contest”…
Cocos Keeling Islands worked on 160m Last needed BAND QSO on 160m in start this DXpedition is in our LOG. Continue reading “Cocos Keeling Islands worked on 160m”…
CRO CC won 3th place in WPX 2019 9A5Y logs always go for Croatian Contest Club… Continue reading “CRO CC won 3th place in WPX 2019”…
New IOTA worked YJ0RRC expedition was QRV from some IOTA references. OC-104 was new for us… Continue reading “New IOTA worked”…