Amateur radio in Lipik has existed since the early fifties, but since the club has always borrowed the radio-stations from Radio Club Pakrac, Lipik has never had its own proper radio club.

With the onset of war in 1991, there was a need and a demand for the knowledge, resources and connections of radio amateur operators, thus liking them to the people in the region. Many people, for the first time, encountered the renowned Motorolas, unable to distinguish the difference betwen hndheld HAM radio and police Motorola radio. Even after war had ceased in 1992, due to the lac k of cell phones, many hand-held radio stations were retained until fixed telefhone nets were established. It was at this time that the idea for a radio club in Lipik was conceived. The launch of the radio club in Lipik was conceived. The launchof the radio club was delayed until May 3, 1993. when thre pre-war operators, Dragutin Kralj, Ante Marosevic and Miroslav Fila along with seven enthusiasts of wiich unfortunately only remains Dr. Marica Topic Sinjakovicinitiated its formation.

In order to generate resources, the club's members introduced a club registration fee of 50 DM. With the earnings collected from the registration fees, the club was able to open an account. As the mobile phone became more and more popular, less popular became the hand-held radio stations as well as membership within the club. The radio club was to encounter its first problems. It lacked its own space and nearing the point of devastation, the club managed to complete its registration and prepare its members for the E class exam course.Exams were held in 1994. wen the club consisted of 17 members. A the end for 1994, with the completion of the recostruction of the community hall in Lipik, the club gained access to its own room ( 4m x 4m ) which is still in use today. The furnishing of the new work space was made possible by the Glass Factory which donated chairs and tables. Due to the diligent work of the members, material resources from donations are slowly appearing. With help of Mr.Mate Biscan, and thanks to donation of the radio-amateurs from England, the club received a SW station TS 530 SP with a G5RV Aerial and eletronic send-key. With this equipment the club hit the airwaves and was able to compose its DXCC list for the calling sing 9A1CTL and 9A4U which transmitted from Lipik. The efforts of club memberAnte Marosevic 9A4BQ, a tehnical studies teacher in Lipik, allowed for the creation of a contriction group to achieve its initial goal of working with the youth of Lipik.Since the school lacked funds to purchase equipment, the radio club provided financial support to aid the group at the beginning of its work. In fact the amateur radio designers started functioning in 1970 in the Lipik elementary school, with the arrival of the present leader of the designer section who replaced the school's tehnical studies instructor. Many generations of students have passed through this group, graduating as engineers and eletrical tehnicians, while their children continue their work within the group. Members of this secton were present on 15 state contests.

Since the elementary school in Lipik was completely devastated during the homeland war, the section was forced to start from the beginning but this time as a group of the newly established Radio Club Lipik! The first donations received by the club were used to obtain a dozen soldering irons, measuring instruments and other material. They worked in cooperation with the elemntary school using the schol'srooms as their workspace. With financing from the club and workspace donated by the school everything appeared to be functioning to everyone's satifaction. At various competetions, the club's members proudly and successfully represented the radio club as well as the elementary school. It is interesing to state that other than the elelmntary and secondary schools, the only tehnical studies unions and radio clubs to participate at national competetions were those from Pakrac and Lipik.

The group is composed of elementary school students ( grades 5 to 7 ) and secondary school students, who acquire general knowledge and skills eletrical engineering, eletronics and robotics; while familiarizing themselves basic electronic elemnts, frameworks and units. Trough hands on training in the building of various models, the club's members learn to handle different tools, to build in elements and to adjust and examine built equipment. Every model requires specificinnovations. In this respect, students considerably expand their tehnical knowledge, develop tehnical thought and satisfy interests at an early age. This type of work provides the members with much more experience than the new, shortened programs provided by the elementary school which lacks practical training. The members of  the group, after completing their elementary education often continue their studies ineletrical engineering and/or similar secondary schools, where they are amongst the best and brightest in their classes.

Every year the most successful students display their work and projects at competetions four young tehnicians, participating in the field of  tehnology in relation to amateur radio, eletrical angineering and robotics. To date, the club's members have always placed among the top at every county contest. Unfortunately, these are automatic wins due to the lack of competetion. In other words, the club is the only school and tehnical studies association within the county which allows for its members to register and compete in such events. Thus, the results of the club's hard work are only visible after the national competitions, where the members have always placed well. From year to year, the results have varied. Most often the club's copetitors are ranked in the top half of the list while the best placement received by a member was second at a national competition in the field of robotics at the elementary school level in 1991. This year at the national competition which will be held in Varazdin, two of members will be representing the club; an elementary school student in the field of eletrical engineering and a secondary school student in the field of robotics. In view of the success of Mario Simunovic ( the high school participant ) at the county competetion  where he recevived 268 points out of a possible 300, it is expected that he will also do well at the national competetion. If the radio club's goal of acquiring a larger workspace is realized, a part of the larger space will be allocated to the radio designer group. This way the young designers will be in direct contact with the radio club and its operational work, creating the possibility for transition to amateur radio.

The remanining members continued to look for donations and in 1995, the club received a repeater 0 from PROCOM  company, which is still today being used by the members. Since the lack of funds was a large problem for the club, its members manufactured their own mono band wire receiver, which in large part proved to be useful at competetions. The club has oriented itself around competing at HF and VHF contests, while slowly gaining experinece at international competetitions. In 1996, in Djakovo, the club won first place at a HF competetion člaiming its first club trophy. Also in 1996, the club set up two element quad's, improving its results at competetions and consequently winning first place at the WAE contest in the radio club category from Croatia.

With rationalization of the funds, in 1995 club succeeded to buy a new FT 920 with 50 MHz band. Members immediately constructed and mounted five 6m yagi aerials, and the call sign 9A4U begin activity on this band. In the year 2000  club wins second place in Croatian in I IARU region 6m contest.

With time the club slowly began to expand to the point where the PPS was able to serve only two operators. A donation from the UNDP made it possible for the club to buy 2 m equipment KENWOOD TM 255 E, 50 W.  With this new purchase, the club began to compete at the 2m level. In the 1999/2000 season, a seminar was held for young P class operators.  Each participant who successfully passed  the exam was included inthe work on the 2m, especially at the local VHF cometetions and 9A activity contest where with much anticipation the participants visited the portable location onOmanovac up 648 asl. With the help of the Pakrac radio club 9A1FBC, the Lipik club successfully placed a container on Omanovac so that work could be done there regardless of the weather conditions. There have not been any significant results with the 2m but on the other hand, the club has achieved important results in the  HF at local contests: first place  in Pozega 2002, second place in Koprivnica in 1999 and third place in Antunovo. This year we won third place on HF contest in Pozega.

DXCC list have growth with the time and today we are working with 298 entites, and have over 30 000 connections ( in both HF and VHF band) all confirmed QSL's. The club has been participating in more and more competitions, thus in 1999, 2000 and 2001, at the Italian national contest, the club placed first in Croatia in the category of MO SB. WAEDC 2000, JIDX 2001. Efforts are now being focused on a new contest location in the village of Korita, where the members have been permitted to use the lodges. The club had to post the 2 antennas on tree due to the lack of  equipment and a decrease in donations.

It would be impolite not to mention Ivan Zandona 9A6JTW, a member, who in 1997 formed the ARG group, for former national winners in the pioneer category. The club also bought two more pieces of equipment and borroved three more from the radio club in Kutina. In the winter of 1997, Ivan held a seminar and in the spring he and the participants applied their knowledge out in the field. Unfortunately, the workable field area was limited due to the mine field problem so training was often conducted in the parks. The members of the new group competed in their first contest in 1998 placing third at the national level in the junior category and 1999 in the same category, the members placed third in Ludbreg. Sadly, due to an accident endured at his workplace, Ivan had to withdraw from his commitments with the groups thus ceasing its existence. With the improvement of his health and with the hopes of attaining more resources, the ARG group is expected to be revived winter.

Since 1997, the radio club has been organizing VHF competitions in accordance with the anniversary of the liberation of Lipik ( 06.12.1991.). The annual competetion is held in August, in association with 9A activity contest while the trophy and plaque ceremony is conducted in December. Every year the number of participants increases as does the interest for the competetion. Last year the club was fortunate to have S5, Slovenia participate.

Alongside the club's diligent work, much appreciation is given to the city of Lipik for its consideration and support. A special than you must be given to the Mayor of Lipik, Mr. Stjepan Horvat, for his aid and his participation within the club, not only as a member but also as the club's secretary. The club would also thank all the donors for their financial and/or material contributions. Without their generosity the club would not have been able to successfully achieve these fantastic results. Lastly the club would like to thank Radio Club „Jan Hus“ from Daruvar, Radio Club „Valis Aurea“ from Pozega and of course Radio Club Pakrac for their continuous support, advice and cooperation.

Lipik, 2003.

President RC „Lipik“ 9A1CTL/9A4U 
Miroslav Fila 9A4MF